Is it time to check the facts about the supply of copiers and copier parts? 

We have found there is a little misinformation out there and we seek to clarify it. 
We cannot supply the upgrade for your current brand of copier due to the global chip problem. We would prefer for you to take an alternative brand
Fact checked 
The global chip shortage has affected all manufacturers that produce a product with a computer interface. So in fact all manufacturers of copiers or MFP’s are suffering with the same issues. This does not mean you don’t have a choice. 
We couldn’t get to service your equipment today as there are supply problems with the parts required to fix it. 
Fact checked 
Although there are delays on the supply of certain equipment models across all manufacturers, there are no such issues with parts and consumables supplies. Most parts and consumables are readily available from most independent dealers, including ourselves. 
Currently we are only able to service your equipment using “compatible” non OEM parts and consumables due to global supply problems. 
Fact checked 
99% of all genuine OEM parts and consumables are readily available from most independent dealers. 

For more information contact Martyn on 01794 526088 or